Financial assets like cash and short-term investments are reported at fair market value on the balance sheet, rather than at their original cost. 在资产负债表中,现金和短期投资等金融性资产的价值是公允价值,而非初始成本。
If you include short-term investments, liquid assets nearly doubled to$ 2.2 trillion during the same period. 如果再算上短期投资,同期流动资产总额几乎翻了一番,达到了2.2万亿美元。
Worse yet, eBay could potentially even make short-term, small-scale market investments with little risk. 更糟的是,eBay甚至还能因此进行短期的小型市场投资,而风险几乎为零。
Conversely, it is somewhat disconcerting that cash is growing and not being invested, especially given the low interest rates that cash and short-term investments are earning. 相反,现金持续增长,但却没有用来投资,这是一个有点令人不安的现象,尤其是考虑到现金和短期投资目前获得的利率是如此之低。
Short-term investments shall be itemized and shown in book balance in financial statement. 短期投资应当以帐面余额在会计报表中列示。
Article 26 Short-term investments refer to various marketable securities, which can be realized at any time and will be held less than a year, as well as other investment with a life of no longer than a year. 第二十六条短期投资是指各种能够随时变现、持有时间不超过一年的有价证券以及不超过一年的其他投资。
These relatively new kinds of collectibles may actually appreciate faster as short-term investments, but may not hold their value as long-term investments. 作为短期投资这些相对说来较新颖的收藏品的确可能更快地增值,但作为长期投资则可能不能保值。
However, investments which are not readily marketable, or which management intends to hold on a long-term basis, are not classified as short-term investments, but long-term investments. 然而,不容易售出的投资或管理部门旨在长期拥有的投资不能算是短期投资,而是长期投资。
Such securities are known as marketable securities or short-term investments. 这些证券称作有价证券或短期投资。
Loss from disposal of short-term or long-term investments. 凡因处分短期及长期投资而发生之损失皆属之。
Paul Taylor, managing director of McCarthy Taylor, is also adopting a short-term approach towards equity investments – albeit from a higher starting point. McCarthyTaylor董事总经理保罗泰勒(PaulTaylor)在股票投资上也采取短期做法,只是起点较高。
The tax might also be geared towards short-term investments to encourage buy-and-hold behaviour. 该税也可能针对短期投资,以鼓励投资者长线持有。
In the quick ratio, the quick assets are cash, marketable securities ( short-term investments), and net receivables. 在速动比率中,速动资产是指现金、可市场交易的证券(短期投资)和应收账款净额。
Generally, the short-term is defined as ninety days or less, moreover, the cash equivalents must be distinguished with other short-term investments such as marketable securities. 一般说来,短期限被定义为90天或更短的时间,而且,现金等价物必须与诸如可交易证券等其他短期投资区别开来。
If liabilities are short-term, therefore, such investments may be inappropriate. 如果负债是短期的,那么投资在房地产和股票市场不大适合。
Upon disposal of short-term investments, the difference between the book value of the short-term investments and the proceeds on the short-term investments should be recorded as income or losses for the current period. 处置短期投资时,应将短期投资的账面价值与实际取得价款的差额,作为当期投资损益。
Loss of the cash, bank deposits, inventories, short-term investments or fixed assets due to force majeure, such as natural disaster or war, or from poor management; 因自然灾害、战争等政治事件等不可抗力或者人为管理责任,导致现金、银行存款、存货、短期投资、固定资产的损失;
It is not clear whether the exclusion of Iran, Sudan and Nigeria came because Chinese companies already have short-term investments plans in the three countries, or for more political reasons. 目前尚不清楚伊朗、苏丹和尼日利亚落选,是由于中国企业已在这3个国家拥有了短期投资计划,还是更多出于政治方面的原因。
An obvious mark for the bank's financing products in2011 is mainly centered on short-term investments; 2011年银行理财产品的一大特色就是以发行短期化产品居多。
Therefore, accounts receivable from customers are classified as current assets, appearing in the balance sheet immediately after cash and short-term investments in marketable securities. 因此应收账款被划分为流动资产,在资产负债表中仪排在现金和短期有价证券之后。
Cash includes cash on hand, cash in bank, and cash equivalents such as liquid, short-term investments. 现金包括库存现金,银行存款,和现金等价物,例如具有流动性的短期投资。
SIVs issue cheap, short-term debt to fund investments in longer-term and higher-yielding securities. 结构性投资工具发行低价短期债券,以便为期限较长和收益较高的证券投资融资。
But it seems one of the biggest threats to stability is coming from the age-old risk of short-term borrowing to fund investments in illiquid long-term products. 但对稳定性的最大威胁之一,似乎来自一个存在已久的风险:通过短期借贷为投资于缺乏流动性的长期产品筹资。
The investing activities contain all activities relating to short-term investments other than the cash equivalents, long-term investments, and other long-term assets. 投资活动包括与除现金等价物之外的短期投资、长期投资和其他长期资产有关的各种活动。
However, in the specific management of the emergence of two problems were highlighted: daily operation and when the cash flow business is enormous, but difficult short-term investments, which caused great opportunity cost. 但是,在具体的经营管理当中突出涌现了两个问题:企业日常经营时现金流量巨大,但短期投资困难,这造成了极大的机会成本。
Therefore, if taking into account the actual operation of the transaction costs and adopt a zero-investment strategy in general will not be profitable short-term investments. 因此,如果考虑到实际操作中的交易成本,实行零投资策略进行短期投资总体上将无法获利。
From the view of the stock, it will produce great uncertainty in short-term investments, but in the long-term trend it conforms the statistical regular. 从股票的特点来看,它在短期投资上会产生很大的不确定性,但是在长期趋势上则符合统计学规律。